Friday, May 19, 2006


I am going to take a nap in about a minute, so I just wanted to begin this post so as to remind myself to finish it...

There's a new kid on the science-fiction television block of excellence (well, for me, anyway. Science fiction fans have known about this kid and the phenomenon it represents for two and one half years. I pride myself on the ability to be hip to popular culture by means of always making sure that I am at least two steps behind its latest developments)

The new kid is the Science Fiction Channel's updated version of the late '70's-early '80's schlockfest TV show, "Battlestar Galactica." Last night, I watched the 3-hour miniseries that opened the new "Galactica" in 2003. This new "Galactica" is not your father's "Galactica." (i.e. the new one is much better). Seriously. How do I know this? Because my father - who will watch ANY science fiction show, no matter HOW crappy it is, said the new show is LIGHT YEARS better than the old one, subtly implying that the old one (which he watched religiously) was crap. If such an admission could be obtained from this father, then any other father's like admission can be obtained as a matter of course.

To be continued....


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