Friday, May 26, 2006


My thank-you note to Stephen Colbert for his White House Press Correspondets' performance:

Mr. Colbert,

"What a brilliant “repor[t]” you delivered on the President’s ineptitude, incompetence, arrogance, and plain old dumbfuckitude! And you were only only ten feet from his face! Which meant you had to look at him while insulting him! How did you do it? The fact that the mealy-mouthed cowards in the room may not have been laughing that much - these cowards that professionally fellate the President and have served as foot soldiers in his REAL war - the war on thinking - PROVES that your performance as host of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner was brilliant! If they were laughing, it would have been because you had engaged in canned, stupid jokes making these nitwits feel good about themselves."

"I know that to have said a joke like this probably would have been in bad taste (mind you, not in half as bad the taste as when GWB looked under a table for “‘dem weapons of mass deshtructyon” and the press laughed its ass off), but to me, Bush’s personnel changes are akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Challenger - 73 seconds after they take place, something explodes! But seriously, the Hindenberg analogy was seriously one of the freshest and funniest jokes wrung from a stale bit of material I’ve ever heard. Bravo!"

" P.S. Please please please have a mouth-foaming bigot like Alan Keyes/Gary Bauer on your show, and have ready as a prop a piece of foam or sponge so that when they start foaming at the mouth, you can say, “Some people say you are foam-at-the-mouth-bigots. But I have nothing against foam. I love it. Why, here’s your very own piece of foam. Use it, abuse it, clean yourself up, and start foaming all over again!”


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